

noun \ˈtent\

: a portable shelter that is used outdoors, is made of cloth (such as canvas or nylon), and is held up with poles and ropes

Full Definition of TENT

:  a collapsible shelter of fabric (as nylon or canvas) stretched and sustained by poles and used for camping outdoors or as a temporary building
:  dwelling
a :  something that resembles a tent or that serves as a shelter; especially :  a canopy or enclosure placed over the head and shoulders to retain vapors or oxygen being medically administered
b :  the web of a tent caterpillar
tent·less \ˈtent-ləs\ adjective
tent·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective

Origin of TENT

Middle English tente, from Anglo-French, from Latin tenta, feminine of tentus, past participle of tendere to stretch — more at thin
First Known Use: 14th century



Definition of TENT

intransitive verb
:  to reside for the time being :  lodge
:  to live in a tent
transitive verb
:  to cover with or as if with a tent
:  to lodge in tents

First Known Use of TENT

circa 1608


transitive verb

Definition of TENT

chiefly Scottish
:  to attend to

Origin of TENT

Middle English, from tent attention, short for attent, from Anglo-French atente, from atendre to attend
First Known Use: 14th century
TENT[1] Defined for Kids


noun \ˈtent\

Definition of TENT for Kids

:  a portable shelter (as of canvas) stretched and supported by poles

Word Root of TENT

The Latin word tendere, meaning to stretch or to spread, and its form tentus give us the roots tend, tent, and tens. Words from the Latin tendere have something to do with stretching or spreading. A tent is a temporary shelter made from stretched out fabric. To distend is to stretch outward and swell in all directions. To extend is to stretch out. A tendon is a cord that connects a muscle to another muscle or to a bone and that stretches allowing a joint to bend. Something tense is stretched tight.
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈtent\

Medical Definition of TENT

:  a canopy or enclosure placed over the head and shoulders to retain vapors or oxygen during medical administration


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